Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The one thing that I wish everyone would learn is........

After reading the prompt for this Wednesday I strongly felt that the one thing everyone would learn is to accept, respect and to be yourself(three things actually!)

Accept- it is a simple word but sometimes quite hard to adopt.We should accept what is there in front of us. Even if we don’t like it first accept then try to change. Our weaknesses, people around us, problems we are facing first accept everything and then see how magically things will work out as you wanted them to be..! Accepting is the first step in dealing with any problem…accept it..;)

Respect- respect yourself and in the same way respect others around you. Everyone have something good in them. No one is waste, nothing is waste either. Appreciate other. Don’t let people down because of you. Always look for positive in others. If you can’t appreciate then don’t dominate. We never know through what situation the person in front of you is going so please don’t judge.

Be yourself- I read somewhere ‘be unapologetically you’ since then it is my favorite quotation. Be yourself,love yourself. Don’t pretend or don’t try to be like someone else it never works. Be proud of who you are.Never say ‘no’ to things that will make you happy and never say ‘yes’ to things that will make you feel down.